Terms of Use
Privacy Policy Use of Personal Information
We will not sell, rent or transmit personal information or email addresses to other organizations or entities or share such information with third parties. Any information collected via our website will be used for the purposes stated on the site. Any email addresses collected will be used only to communicate information related to Association activities and interests to members or stakeholders. To ensure the privacy of members, the distribution of notices will be done only by the Secretariat without any disclosure of the e ‐ mail address list of members.
Data Collection
Our website does not collect or store personal information unless users provide content voluntarily. For example, this might include providing information when using online fillable forms or when registering for events. Where applicable or required, we use personal information for identified purposes, such as providing personal information to receive e-publications to a registered subscriber by email, or personal information required to process online conference registrations/transactions. We may also use personal information for membership purposes, or to respond to a user request for information. Further, our website uses web statistical analytics, namely Google Analytics, to help us better serve our users.
What is considered personal information?
Personal information is viewed as any content and information that identifies a user including a name, address, telephone number or email address; financial information related to online transactions such as credit card details to process one-time e-commerce transactions, and other information deemed necessary to support communication or business-related transactions with users.
How do we process e-commerce transactions?
Credit card transactions are processed via Stripe. Any data you enter on our website is secure, encrypted, and protected.
What data security measures are in place?
We apply reasonable measures in order to protect personal information. This includes hosting our website on a secured server with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. Personal information (but not financial information) is accessible to staff and/or designated persons when/where required to fulfill job requirements.
Please note that although we may provide links to other websites, we do not control the content of other websites and are not responsible for their accuracy, privacy policies or data collection methods.
Do you have any questions?
Inquiries regarding our Terms of Use may be addressed to the CAPT Secretariat using the Contact Us online form.